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Body balance

Standing still meditation

Conscious Spa stillness. This part of the experience is primary created to do exactly what it says on the tin. Help people achieve an inner state of calm and stillness that cannot be swayed ( pardon the pun ) by outside influences. This is very much like the natural walking experience a calm none excessive activity that will can be a more effective way of meditating then most of our usual preconceptions of meditate exercises. This form of standing meditation is very much a widely useful element of experience that will not only serve your sense of inner peace but help achieve amazing results in bodily balance and anxiety based phenomena. This part of our corporate spa package again short on duration can be easily assimilated and in turn fit in more or less with our other less strenuous natural forms of activity to be part of a Corporate Spa Camps package that would be ideal for an easy stress free calm and content team building day experience.

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